Create OCI Vault Create Encryption key Create GoldenGate Create GoldenGate Depoyments 选择版本 配置CPU数量 选择License 类型 选择OCI GoldenGate 用户管理 GoldenGate 配置Vault […]
Creata New DBCS: Compartment:poc02 菜单:Oracle Database–>Oracle Base Database Service Create DB system 配置cpu内存 配置存储 配置SSH Key,License 类型 配置网络 选择数据库版本 配置PDBname,设置sys […]
DBCS autonomous recovery service
OCI IAM Policy
DBMS_CLOUD How to access Object Storage from your on-premises Oracle 19c Database
Great News! Oracle has now made the DBMS_CLOUD package available for use for on-premises for Oracle 19.9+, note for the purpose of […]
ORA-ERROR:Incorrect modification of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1ORA-ERROR:
copy 出现有的spfile文件 asmcmd cp ‘+DATA/DB0924_FP3_SIN/PARAMETERFILE/spfile.266.1180519305’ /home/grid/pfile.ora strings pfile.ora srvctl status database -d DB0924_fp3_sin srvctl modify database -db DB0924_fp3_sin -spfile ‘+DATA/DB0924_FP3_SIN/PARAMETERFILE/spfile1015.ora’;555 […]
Oracle Database and RAC Product Releases